Frequently Asked Questions about PRP Therapy Toronto

Who can PRP help?

  • Acute injuries, especially those of ligament and tendon sprains
  • Chronic injuries, especially those with scar tissue
  • Muscle tears and chronic wear from years of activity
  • Weak joints
  • Arthritis

What is PRP vs Prolotherapy vs. Stem Cell Therapy?

Sometimes, the terms PRP and Prolotherapy are used online interchangeably. However, they are actually very different, but are both used to repair, promote and regenerate damaged tissue. 

Prolotherapy and PRP differ in quite a few ways. The most obvious difference is in the substance injected itself– prolotherapy is a mixture of dextrose and anesthetic, while PRP are platelets derived from your own blood. Neither hurt upon injection, however prolotherapy can cause some discomfort in the area several hours after treatment due to its mechanism of action. PRP is not typically painful, but may be tender and/or cause bruising or swelling. Although the mechanism is not completely clear, prolotherapy incites an inflammatory response similar to what you would have acutely sustained when you first got the injury, except it is delivered in a controlled setting. PRP differs in that it triggers a healing response from the body by signaling the body to repair and rejuvenate the tissue through different means, although it does not feel like an acute injury. 

Is PRP Covered by OHIP? How Much Does PRP Injection Therapy Cost?

PRP is not covered by OHIP. An injection of PRP is $950-1200, depending on the injection site and whether the use of ultrasound is necessary during the procedure.

What are the Benefits of PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma)?

PRP therapy can be extremely beneficial for both acute and chronic injuries. It has been shown that PRP can:

  • Reduce pain and inflammation
  • Inhibit inflammation and slow down the process of osteoarthritis
  • Slow or stop decay of cartilage and/or possibly promote new cartilage formation
  • Improve joint function by increasing the amount of lubrication in the joint
  • Stimulate the production of collagen and elastin
  • Long-lasting results
  • Low risk because products are derived from your blood



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