Everything You Need to Know About a Mini Facelift

What is a mini facelift?

It is a slightly modified version of a traditional facelift. Both are invasive cosmetic procedures that involve the use of incisions to help remove and pull up sagging skin. 

You may be a candidate for a mini version if you’re looking to achieve these goals with fewer incisions and you have less excess skin to remove.

Despite its name, a mini facelift is still a major cosmetic procedure. It’s important to weigh all the benefits versus the costs and risks before undergoing any type of cosmetic surgery. 

Here’s some information to help get you started.

How does a mini facelift work?

It is an anti-aging surgery that focuses on sagging skin. Cosmetic surgeons address this by “lifting” your skin upwards via small incisions. 

They’ll also remove excess skin during the process, which can in turn help tighten your skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Sometimes an eye lift or brow lift is also done in conjunction with a mini facelift to help maximize your results. This is because facelifts only target the lower half of your face — mainly your jawline and cheeks.

Procedures for a mini facelift

As an invasive surgery, a mini facelift requires either general or local anesthesia. Once you’re under anesthesia, your surgeon will make small incisions around your ears and hairline. 

They’ll manipulate the underlying tissues in your skin by lifting and then pulling them up, while also removing excess tissue.

Once the surgery is complete, your surgeon will use sutures to close up all incisions. 

Targeted areas for a mini facelift

Unlike a traditional facelift, a mini facelift is conducted via smaller incisions. These are usually made along your hairline or above each of your ears. Your surgeon then pulls your skin tissues upward through the cheeks to help correct sagging skin. 

The smaller incisions used in it can be especially helpful if you’re prone to scarring.

What to expect after a mini facelift

After your surgery, you’ll be sent home with dressings over your stitches, as well as possible drains. These stitches will need to stay in for up to 10 days. After this point, you will go to your surgeon for a prescheduled appointment to have them removed.

You may still experience some bruising and swelling after your surgeon takes out your stitches. Your doctor may advise against certain activities, such as high-intensity workouts, as these can make your symptoms worse.

Overall, it takes several weeks to fully recover from a mini facelift. After this point, you shouldn’t need any follow-up surgeries, unless complications developed during your recovery. 

While the results are considered permanent, you can talk to your surgeon about future noninvasive anti-aging options, such as dermal fillers, which can help maximize your results.



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