All you need to know about the process of doing Thermage Toronto in 2021

1. The first time you do Toronto Thermage, a personal file needs to be created, and then the doctor will take VISIA from multiple angles to detect the current state of your skin. Before doing Toronto Thermage, make sure that there is no obvious skin damage or trauma.


Skin Testing System

2. Then they will put on the anesthetic; generally, if you are worried about the pain, you can request them to apply a thicker amount. If you have a low pain tolerance, you can also ask the doctor to prescribe two painkillers in advance and take them at about the same time as having the anesthetic applied.

If your skin is sensitive, you can put on a moisturizing and hydrating mask before doing Toronto Thermage. Some people are a little allergic to the anesthetic, and the mask can help stop the skin from stinging when applying the anesthetic.

3. Next, they affix an electrode pad to the back of the waist, the main role of which is to reverse the current.

4. Grid paper is used to help the doctor with accurate positioning, to avoid missing any part to be treated.

5. Then the doctor will put gel on the part to be treated, so that the skin can be kept moist and doesn’t produce allergic reactions.

6. Next the Thermage is applied, this process depends on the number of rounds of treatment, generally speaking, for the face it is about six hundred rounds for Toronto Thermage, a sound will pay as each round is done, about two or three seconds for a round. The process is not uncomfortable, and the light is very soft; there will be some heat feeling on the face, but not like the harsh feeling from a fractional laser. The face and neck get either 900 rounds or 1200 rounds, the eyes 450 rounds, the probes used for eyes, face and the body are different and should only be used on the same day as they are taken out of the packaging.

7. After completion of the Toronto Thermage treatment, you should listen carefully to the precautions explained to you by the doctor; you must put on more masks and hydrate more after treatment, post-treatment maintenance will greatly impact the effect of Toronto Thermage.

The greatest effect of doing Toronto Thermage can be seen three months later, because it takes three months for the collagen to grow, and when the collagen is regenerated, it will support the skin, and the skin will become firm and translucent.

If you want to know more about Thermage Toronto,

click here:All you need to know about Thermage Toronto in 2021



手背抗衰 1

手背抗衰 ,如何全维度无死角抗衰?

手背衰老主要是因为随着年龄增长,皮肤内的胶原蛋白和弹性纤维逐渐减少,导致皮肤变得松弛和薄弱。手部的皮肤比身体其他部分更薄,脂肪层也较少,所以衰老的迹象更容易显现。 手背抗衰 可以通过热玛吉和超声刀来多维度治疗,美蒂芳华是多伦多最早的华人综合性医美诊所之一,获加拿大医疗监管机构认证。
