The abdomen is one of the most common areas for localized fat to develop and can be extremely difficult to reduce or tone though lifestyle changes alone. The problem can occur as the result of such factors as obesity, deep subcutaneous fat deposits, c-section, age or gravity. Though many people suffer from stubborn abdominal fat that doesn’t respond to exercise or diet, Mmedi Spa frequently resolves this problem with effective stomach liposuction treatment. Stomach fat (or localized subcutaneous adipose tissue) typically responds well
A bulging or extended abdomen can also be the result of separated abdominal muscles, in which case a tummy tuck is more effective as treatment.
Do the Pinch Test
Potential patients who want to know whether or not they’re eligible for abdominal liposuction can perform a simple test. If it’s possible to grab a soft, mobile fold of skin and fat between your thumb and fingers that’s easy to move up and down, you may be able to get rid of it with liposuction.
The outer thighs are prone to developing localized collections of excess fat and subcutaneous tissue, often referred to as “saddlebags.” Localized thigh fat most often develops in women and can be hereditary or the result of excessive caloric intake without sufficient exercise to compensate. Whatever the cause, reducing or toning localized outer thigh fat deposits can be extremely difficult.